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Interactive Map of the Los Osos Groundwater Basin

May contain: chart, plot, and map

Interactive Map of the Los Osos Groundwater Basin

Click on the map to access the SGMA Interactive Data Viewer for the Los Osos Valley Groundwater Basin! This is an interactive mapping system to help you to navigate around the Los Osos Valley Groundwater Basin by panning, zooming, or searching for a specific parcel or street address that you would like to locate. There are different map layers that can be shown and superimposed in this interactive mapping system such as boundaries of groundwater basins, cities, roads, SGMA eligible entities, and others by checking the layer names indicated on the left panel layer menu. To search and locate a specific APN or street address on the map:

  1. Enter either the nine-digit parcel number (APN) including hyphens or the complete street address in the “Search...” bar on the upper right hand corner of the map screen and then click on the search button to locate it. The APN or street address that you just entered will appear on the left panel and a location marker will show up on the map to identify the location.
  2. Click on the APN or street address name shown on the left panel layer menu will zoom in to the specified location for a close-up look
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